Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Professor, MD, PhD Kamil Torres of September 23, 2022
Dear Students,
As the new academic year is about to begin, I would like to kindly remind you that in accordance with the Regulation of the Council of Ministers, as of May 16, 2022, the state of epidemic emergency is in force in Poland, replacing the state of epidemic.
In view of the fact that a state of epidemic emergency means an increased probability of an epidemic, and with a view to the welfare of all members of the Academic Community, I encourage you to apply the DDM principle (hand disinfection, distance, masks) in the buildings of the Medical University of Lublin.
At the same time, I remind you that in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies we are still required to cover our nose and mouth with a mask.
Yours faithfully,
Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Professor,
MD, PhD Kamil Torres
Organization of classes in academic year 2021/2022
Dear Students,
On September 27, 2021 Rector has announced his Ordinance No. 136/2021 on the way the education shall be conducted in the academic year 2021/2022.
Since the Ministry of Education has decided that the epidemic limitations within the medical universities functioning shall be repealed, all classes shall be conducted on-site. The exception shall be lectures, which will be conducted on-line.
For now, language classes have also been organized in the on-line form.
Teachers have an option, in the necessary situations, of organizing classes in the hybrid form, with part of the students in classroom and part – connected on-line.
You should also know that the head of the department can request the change of on-site to on-line form of some classes, but only in exceptional situations and with the approval of the Dean. The on-line classes cannot exceed the allowable ECTS number as set in the Minister of Science and Higher Education Ordinance of July 26, 2019 on the standards of education for the fields of medicine, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostic, physiotherapist and paramedics.
All partial and final examinations, both oral and written, will be conducted in the on-site form.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:
Urgent announcement! Application for students and PhD students to work towards fighting the pandemic
Dear Students/PhD Students of Medical University of Lublin,
according to the information from the Ministry of Health, in reference to the current epidemiological situation, we would like to appeal to you for joining in the work towards fighting the pandemic.
People who take part in providing health services in the scope of pandemic, will perform activities adjusted to the level of knowledge and skills under the direct supervision of a person authorized to practice a medical profession.
The time of work is counted towards the completion of the relevant part of classes or a group of classes developing practical skills (including practical classes and professional practice).
Moreover, according to the information from the Ministry of Health, the participants of the above-mentioned action are entitled to a basic salary in the amount not lower than 200% of the average basic salary for a given position.
In order to apply to the program, please fill in the electronic application form.
A scan of a hand-signed declaration of consent to the processing of personal data should be attached to the form.
Please send any inquiries to the following e-mail address:
Open form
The continuation of classes after the introduction of new national restrictions
Dear Students,
We would like to kindly inform that despite tightened restrictions introduced in Poland since Saturday due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation, the current organization of teaching remains unchanged - classes taking place at present will continue in the same form.
Any possible changes or modifications in the organization of classes will be immediately announced to students.
Below please find the log-in information:
Dear Students,
The Rector invites you to participate in an open Zoom meeting organized for the students of English Division, which will take place on Friday, January 15, 2021 at 11:00 Polish time.
Below please find the log-in information:
Topic: English Language Students meeting with His Magnificence Rector
Time: Jan 15, 2021 11:00 AM Warsaw
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 965 1120 3497
Passcode: 598826
Please pass this message to all your classmates.
Rector's recommendations on final tests and subject examinations in remote mode
Click the button below to read the Rector's recommendations on final tests and subject examinations in remote mode of December 17th, 2020:
Dear Students,
The Deans' Council of Medical Faculty in the agreement with the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs has announced that students of English Division shall resume on-site classes according to the following schedule:
- MD students (all years) – from January 4th, 2021
DDS students:
- 3rd & 4th regular – from November 23, 2020
- 1st, 2nd regular; 2nd BIS, 3rd BIS & 4th BIS – from November 30, 2020
There are new Wi-Fi access points installed in the following locations:
Department of General Surgery,
Department of Obstetrics and Pathology of Pregnancy,
Department of Gynaecology,
Department of Infectious Diseases,
Department of Haematooncology,
Department of Vascular Surgery,
Department of Trauma Surgery,
Department of General Ophthalmology,
Department of Retinal Surgery,
Department Microsurgery of Glaucoma,
Department of Dermatology,
Department of Internal Diseases.
Department of Medical Radiology,
Department of Nuclear Medicine,
Department of Clinical Physiotherapy,
Department of Neurosurgery,
Department of Nephrology,
Department of Rehabilitation,
Department of Orthopaedics,
Department of Rheumatology,
Department of Gastrology,
Department of Pulmonology.
Department of Infant Pathology,
Department of Neonate,
Department of Paediatric Cardiology,
Department of Paediatric Nephrology,
Department of Paediatric Pulmonology and Rheumatology,
Department of Paediatric Haematology Oncology and Transplantology,
Department of Pediatrics and Gastroenterelogy,
Department of Paediatric Allergology,
Department of Genetics,
I Department of Orthopaedics,
II Department of Orthopaedics.
Free healthcare (COVID-19)
Based on the Act of 5 December 2008 on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1239 as amended), all patients with suspected COVID-19 infection are entitled to medical care, diagnostics and treatment free of charge on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
Beginning from 29.10.2020, a computer lab for e-learning for both students and teachers has been launched in the University Library's Reading Room at the Centre of Medical Simulation (4 Chodźki St), level -1. Access to the lab can be obtained at the Reception Desk with a valid student ID card, Monday - Sunday between 7 am and 10 pm. During the use of the facility, the General Sanitary Inspectorate regulations as well as the school's Rules and Regulations apply. Feel invited to use the facility.
Dear all,
His Magnificence Rector of the Medical University of Lublin, prof. dr hab. Wojciech Załuska, issued an announcement on the functioning of the University and remote learning education.
By the Rector’s decision, starting from October 19, 2020, until further notice, the university switches to remote teaching.
This decision does not apply to all labs conducted in:
• the last year of the MD International Program,
• the last year of the DDS Program,
• some clinical rotations in the American, Asian, and Middle East Program (Surgery at this moment),
which will still be conducted on-site.
Please watch the video below:
The assembly of the wireless network (AP) at Collegium Pharmaceuticum has started.
Installation of the wireless network (AP) in SPSK 1 is planned in the following units:
1. Department of General Surgery
2. Department of Obstetrics and Pathology of Pregnancy
3. Department of Gynecology
4. Department of Infectious Diseases
5. Department of Hematooncology
6. Department of Vascular Surgery
7. Department of Trauma Surgery
8. Clinic of General Ophthalmology
9. Department of Retinal Surgery
10. Department of Glaucoma Microsurgery
From October 10th 2020 by the Polish government decision, it is obligatory to cover the mouth and nose. Whoever goes out must cover these parts of the face. This can be done with a disposable mask as well as a material mask, shawl, neckerchief or scarf. It is a way to protect yourself and others. Not respecting this obligation is subject to fines!
From October 15, 2020, the Polish government is introducing senior hours. From Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 12:00, only people over 60 will be able to do shopping in shops, drugstores and pharmacies. This will reduce the risk of possible infection.
At the University Children's Hospital, installation of the network will begin with the units:
1. Neonatal Pathology Department
2. Infant Pathology Department
In the first place the network will be launched in the following units of SPSK 4:
1. Department of Medical Radiology
2. Department of Nuclear Medicine
3. Department of Clinical Physiotherapy
4. Department of Neurosurgery
5. Department of Nephrology
6. Department of Rehabilitation
7. Department of Orthopedics
8. Department of Rheumatology
9. Department of Gastrology
10. Department of Pulmonology
A wireless network has been launched in the Collegium Didacticum building and the Internet is available for employees.
Training in the scope of work with BigBlueButton took place on Friday, September 25 at 12:00. The recording of the training will be available, so if someone could not participate in the training, they will be able to view it at a later date.
On 2020-09-23 at At 9:00 in the computer lab of the Department of Medical Information Technology and Statistics with the Remote Learning Platform, a training was held for employees of dean's offices on setting up remote courses on the Moodle e-learning platform. Employees have been trained to spread the workload of platform administrators.
In order to ensure continuity of the University's tasks in the area of education of students and doctoral students during a state of emergency or epidemic and continuation of the actions taken in the academic year 2020/2021 by the University Team for Distance Learning, in its place, for the academic year 2021/2022, the University Team for the Organization of Education has been appointed.
Personal list of University Team for the Organization of Education:
Personal list of University Team for the Organization of Education:
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Kamil Torres - Vice-Rector for Education and Didactics (Team Head)
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Jarogniew Łuszczki – Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Agata Filip – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
- dr n. med. Jarosław Sobieszczański – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medical Dentistry
- dr n. med. Wiesław Fidecki – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
- dr hab. n. farm. Agnieszka Ludwiczuk – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy
- dr hab. n. med. Marzena Samardakiewicz – Deputy Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences
- dr hab. n. med. Katarzyna Drabko – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
- dr hab. n. med. Paweł Miotła – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
- dr hab. n. o zdr. Bartłomiej Drop – Deputy Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewelina Grywalska - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Biomedicine
- mgr Anna Gosik – Director – Center for Medical Education
- inż. Wacław Urbański – IT Systems Department
- mgr inż. Marcin Marcewicz - IT Support Department
- mgr Marcin Hus – Rector's Plenipotentiary for the Protection of Classified Information
- mgr Katarzyna Żurawicz – Information Security Team
- mgr Jan Korulczyk – Medical Simulation Centre
- inż. Piotr Marciniak – Medical Simulation Centr
- lic. Marcin Rusinek – Medical Simulation Centre
- dr Justyna Zuzańska – Dean's Office of Faculty of Medicine
- mgr Magdalena Staśkiewicz - Center for Medical Education
- mgr Michał Jałocha – Center for Medical Education
- mgr Magdalena Fatyga–Ładoszek - Center for Medical Education
- mgr inż. Sławomir Sioma – Center for Medical Education
- mgr Agata Hrycaj - Center for Medical Education
- Izabela Dziatkiewicz – student
- Karol Chromiak – student
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Kamil Torres - Vice-Rector for Education and Didactics (Team Head)
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Jarogniew Łuszczki – Dean of Inter-Faculty Teaching Centre (Deputy Head)
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Agata Filip – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
- dr n. med. Jarosław Sobieszczański – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medical Dentistry
- dr n. med. Wiesław Fidecki – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
- dr hab. n. farm. Agnieszka Ludwiczuk – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy
- dr hab. n. med. Marzena Samardakiewicz – Deputy Dean of the Inter-Faculty Didactic Center
- dr hab. n. med. Katarzyna Drabko – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
- dr hab. n. med. Paweł Miotła – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
- dr hab. n. o zdr. Bartłomiej Drop – Deputy Dean of the Inter-Faculty Didactic Center
- mgr Jarosław Dzierżek - Department of Computer Sciences and Medical Statistics with the Chair of Distance Learning
- mgr Jan Korulczyk – Medical Simulation Centre
- inż. Piotr Marciniak – Medical Simulation Centr
- lic. Marcin Rusinek – Medical Simulation Centre
- mgr Michał Jałocha – Education Department
- inż. Wacław Urbański – IT Systems Department
- mgr inż. Marcin Marcewicz - IT Support Department
- mgr Marcin Hus – Rector's Plenipotentiary for the Protection of Classified Information
Schedule of meetings of University Team for the Organization of Education:
- 22.09.2023 - ended
- 16.06.2023 - ended
- 07.06.2023 - ended
- 02.06.2023 - ended
- 12.05.2023 - ended
- 28.04.2023 - ended
- 21.04.2023 - canceled
- 14.04.2023 - canceled
- 24.03.2023 - ended
- 10.03.2023 - ended
- 24.02.2023 - ended
- 10.02.2023 - ended
- 09.12.2022 - ended
- 02.12.2022 - canceled
- 18.11.2022 - ended
- 04.11.2022 - canceled
- 21.10.2022 - ended
- 07.10.2022 - ended
- 23.09.2022 - ended
- 01.07.2022 - ended
- 24.06.2022 - ended
- 06.05.2022 - ended
- 08.04.2022 - ended
- 01.04.2022 - ended
- 25.03.2022 - ended
- 18.03.2022 - ended
- 11.03.2022 - ended
- 11.02.2022 - ended
- 04.02.2022 - ended
- 28.01.2022 - ended
- 21.01.2022 - ended
- 17.12.2021 - ended
- 03.12.2021 - ended
- 26.11.2021 - ended
- 19.11.2021 - ended
- 29.10.2021 - ended
- 15.10.2021 - ended
- 08.10.2021 - ended
- 17.09.2021 - ended
- 10.09.2021 - ended
- 03.09.2021 - ended
- 11.06.2021 - ended
- 28.05.2021 - ended
- 21.05.2021 - ended
- 30.04.2021 - ended
- 23.04.2021 - ended
- 16.04.2021 - ended
- 09.04.2021 - ended
- 26.03.2021 - ended
- 19.03.2021 - ended
- 12.03.2021 - ended
- 26.02.2021 - ended
- 19.02.2021 - ended
- 12.02.2021 - ended
- 05.02.2021 - ended
- 29.01.2021 - ended
- 22.01.2021 - ended
- 15.01.2021 - ended
- 08.01.2021 - ended
- 18.12.2020 - ended
- 11.12.2020 - ended
- 04.12.2020 - ended
- 27.11.2020 - ended
- 20.11.2020 - ended
- 13.11.2020 - ended
- 06.11.2020 - ended
- 30.10.2020 - ended
- 23.10.2020 - ended
- 16.10.2020 - ended
- 09.10.2020 - ended
- 02.10.2020 - ended
- 24.09.2020 - ended
- 18.09.2020 - ended
- 15.09.2020 - ended
Legal acts:
Regulation No. 136/2021 of 27th of September 2021
on conducting didactic classes at the Medical University of Lublin: Open Appendix
Rector's order no 179/2020 of 23-11-2020:
Rector's order no 161/2020 of 18-10-2020:
Rector's order no 142/2020 of 28-09-2020:
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 6
Download All: Download
Rector's order no 141/2020 of 25-09-2020:
Rector's order no 126/2020 of 15-09-2020:
Information clause - conducting classes on-line:
- Currently not available
Legal acts:
- Currently not available
Rector's recommendations on final tests and subject examinations in remote mode
Click the button below to read the Rector's recommendations on final tests and subject examinations in remote mode of December 17th, 2020:
- Moodle MS Teams - How to log into?
- Download - Instruction of Moodle UM
- Open - Instruction of Moodle UM - What's new?
- Open - Instruction of Moodle UM - course link
- Open - Instructions of ZOOM UM
- Open - ONLINE classes - organization of classes
- Open - ONLINE classes - practical advice
- Open - ONLINE classes - good practices
- Open - ONLINE classes - psychological help
Instruction of MS TEAMS - creating a meeting:
Instruction of MS TEAMS - team menagement:
Instruction of MS TEAMS - teams, meetings:
If you cannot reach your primary care physician, our University doctors are available according to the schedule below:
Emergency medical assistance provided by the University doctors includes basic medical counseling and most important information and guidance regarding necessary steps to be taken in case of COVID-19 symptoms occurrence. Students with suspected COVID-19 infection will be advised to contact primary care physicians.
- Video: Self-collecting of material for testing for SARS CoV-2 virus Open
- Infographic - Student with suspected infection/infected student: Open 1 Open 2
- Infographic - Teacher with suspected infection/infected teacher: Open 1 Open 2
- Infographic - Direct contact: Open
- Infographic - Quarantine: Open
- Infographic - Isolation: Open
- Epidemiological Safety Instructions: Open 1 Open 2
Calls appropriate Dean’s Office:
Emergency phone numbers must be used during on call hours only-
Faculty of Medicine
Polish students:
- POS tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 6304
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 031
- Emergency e-mail:
Foreign MD students:
- Front Desk tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 63 10
- Fmergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 029
- Emegency e-mail:
Polish students:
Faculty of Medical Dentistry
Polish students:
- POS tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 6006
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 030
- Emergency e-mail:
Foreign DDS students:
- Front Desk tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 63 10
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 029
- Emergency e-mail:
Polish students:
Faculty of Pharmacy
Polish students:
- Secretary’s Office tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 7000
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 027
- Emergency e-mail:
Polish students:
Faculty of Health Sciences
Polish students:
- Secretary’s Office tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81448 6700
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 032
- Emergency e-mail:
Polish students:
ERASMUS program students:
- Front Desk tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 63 10
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 027
- Emergency e-mail:
ERASMUS program students:
Doctors telephone counseling for students during COVID-19 pandemic
If you cannot reach your primary care physician, our University doctors are available according to the schedule below:
dr Grzegorz Mizerski
tel. 81 524 78 32
690 407 026
690 407 026
dr Tomasz Zaborowski
tel. 81 524 78 32
690 407 026
690 407 026
dr Krzysztof Jankowski
tel. 81 524 78 35
dr Arkadiusz Koszarny
tel. 501 223 417
Emergency medical assistance provided by the University doctors includes basic medical counseling and most important information and guidance regarding necessary steps to be taken in case of COVID-19 symptoms occurrence. Students with suspected COVID-19 infection will be advised to contact primary care physicians.

From the new academic year, the University provides psychological counselling for students, doctoral students and employees of the Medical University of Lublin.
Help is directed primarily to people who:
- have mental malaise,
- are in a temporary crisis related to a difficult situation,
- have difficulty in making an important decision,
- have difficulty adjusting to the situation,
- have depressive moods,
- experience anxiety and panic attacks,
- see other disturbing symptoms in themselves.
Persons who report to the University Psychological Help can count on professional support and psychological help focused on solving the problem. Psychological help is free of charge.
Why Psychological Help in UMLUB?
Numerous scientific reports indicate the intensification of mental problems in students as a group. Research shows, among others that "every eighth student suffers from mood disorders" [Białkowska, Hygeia, 2014], "the frequency of depression / depressive symptoms (based on screening tests) is 27.2% and ranges from 9.3% to 55.9%; the frequency of suicidal thoughts is 11.1% (7.4% -24.2%) ”[Slavin, JAMA, 2016]. Screening conducted at the Medical University of Lublin and previous forms of psychological assistance offered also showed that there is a demand among students for such help.
How to register for University Psychological Help?
You must register using the application form on the website Open (forms in Polish and English) or by phone / SMS directly to psychologists.
Help is provided on-line (Zoom / Skype / Messenger / Whats up) or in the form of contact meetings. A special room is dedicated for this purpose (room no. 213, 2nd floor of Collegium Didacticum, Chodźki 7 Street).
In terms of contact visit, all epidemiological regulations in force at UMLUB should be followed.
Who is offering Psychological Help?
University Psychological Help employees are qualified psychologists / psychotherapists with many years of experience:
- Dr Joanna Milanowska – tel. 691 967 338 – counselling in Polish and English
- Dr hab. Ewa Humeniuk – tel. 502 379 040 – counselling in Polish
- Dr Tomasz Kucmin – tel. 605 551 993 – counselling in Polish and English
- Dr Grażyna Gwizda – tel. 503 100 932 – counselling in Polish
- Dr Tetiana Baran – counselling in Ukrainian
Persons applying to the University Psychological Help are guaranteed absolute discretion!
All information obtained in the course of providing psychological support is covered by professional secrecy. In addition, we do not ask for any personal data, but only to indicate the gender of the contact person and to indicate whether the person is a student or an employee of the University - these data will only be used for statistical purposes.
Information such as the telephone and / or e-mail number provided by the contact person for psychological help and any other information voluntarily provided by that person may be processed only on the basis of that person's consent. The administrator of these data is the Medical University of Lublin, which appointed the Data Protection Officer ( and which processes personal data on the basis of the consent given by the data subject (Article 6 (1) (A) of the GDPR). The consent may be withdrawn at any time, its withdrawal does not affect the compliance of processing before its withdrawal. The person who gave consent has the right to access their data, correct them, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to request the deletion of personal data, the right to object to the processing of personal data, the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
The data provided voluntarily will be deleted immediately after psychological support has been given.
Mail addresses - information / technical support:
For quick verification and guarantee of message delivery, please contact the university e-mail accounts in the following domains:
Moodle UM:
- – for Faculty of Medical Dentistry
- – for Faculty of Medicine
- – for Faculty of Pharmacy
- – Faculty Didactic Centre
- – for all UM Faculties
Important websites:
- Psychological support: Open
Calls appropriate Dean’s Office:
Emergency phone numbers must be used during on call hours only-
Faculty of Medicine
Polish students:
- POS tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 6304
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 031
- Emergency e-mail:
Foreign MD students:
- Front Desk tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 63 10
- Fmergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 029
- Emegency e-mail:
Polish students:
Faculty of Medical Dentistry
Polish students:
- POS tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 6006
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 030
- Emergency e-mail:
Foreign DDS students:
- Front Desk tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 63 10
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 029
- Emergency e-mail:
Polish students:
Faculty of Pharmacy
Polish students:
- Secretary’s Office tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 7000
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 027
- Emergency e-mail:
Polish students:
Faculty of Health Sciences
Polish students:
- Secretary’s Office tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81448 6700
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 032
- Emergency e-mail:
Polish students:
Faculty of Biomedicine
Polish students:
- Secretary’s Office tel: Mon-Fr 9:00-15:00, +48 81448 7300
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 573 794 335
- Emergency e-mail:
Polish students:
ERASMUS program students:
- Front Desk tel: Mon-Fr 7:15-15:15, +48 81 448 63 10
- Emergency tel: Mon-Fr 16-21, Sat-Sun 10-16, 690 407 027
- Emergency e-mail:
ERASMUS program students:
Distance learning tools:
Password reset:
Eduroam Wi-Fi:
- Moodle UM (e-learning platform of the Medical University of Lublin): Open
- Microsoft OFFICE 365 package (including MS TEAMS): Open
Password reset:
- Online classes registration form (ONLY FOR TEACHERS): Open
- Request form for ZOOM UM appointment (ONLY FOR UM STAFF): Open
Eduroam Wi-Fi:
Medical Voluntary Service
Swab points in Lublin for people who need to test for COVID-19 - a detailed list with addresses and contact details can be found here: Open
Where can I still register for vaccination?
Students and doctoral students of our University still have the opportunity to register for vaccination by filling in the registration form available on the UML homepage.
The form available for English-speaking students: Open
After verifying the correctness of the data entered, an employee of the university contacts the vaccination centre operating at one of the teaching hospitals of the MU, and then the student receives an information with the place and date of the vaccination.
In addition to the above options, it is possible to register for vaccination at a convenient time and place (services in Polish only):
- through e-registration available on the homepage: Open
- via the mojeIKP application (available only for PESEL number usesrs). Find out how to download the mojeIKP application to your mobile: Open
- by calling the free telephone hotline of the National Vaccination Programme: 989
- by contacting the vaccination centre of your choice - find a vaccination centre: Search
- sign up by sending an SMS to 664 908 556 or 880 333 333 with the text: SzczepimySie
From February 2022, the validity of EU COVID Certificates (UCC) has been reduced to 270 days. Are you already fully vaccinated or have taken a booster dose? From 1 February, your certificate is no longer valid for one year, but for 270 days (approx. 9 months). Therefore we are kondly asking you to check whether your certificate is still valid and to take the appropriate steps to renew it.
Compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19
On December 23, 2021, the Regulation of the Minister of Health of December 22, 2021 was announced in the Journal of Laws, amending the regulation on the declaration of an epidemic in the territory of the Republic of Poland. According to the regulation, compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 is subject to, inter alia, medical professionals and students in the fields of preparation for the medical profession, i.e. doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic.
These people are required to undergo vaccination, which will result in the receipt of an EU digital certificate by March 1, 2022.
The obligation to vaccinate also applies to persons with more than 6 months elapsing by 1 March 2022 from the positive result of the diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2.
The vaccination obligation applies to people who have no contraindications for vaccination in terms of their health condition.
The full text of the regulation is available at the link below.
Summary of the action "Przystanek Szczepienie"
The "Przystanek Szczepienie" campaign took place from 30 September on every Thursday and Friday from 9 am to 4 pm at the Medical Simulation Center of the Medical University at 4 Chodźki Street. Initially, the vaccination campaign was planned only for three days, but due to the huge interest it enjoyed from the very beginning, the organizers decided to extend the campaign until December 17, 2021. In total, 2691 people were vaccinated during the 23 days, which gives an average of 117 people per day and almost 17 people per hour. In the action a total of 3 doctors and 4 nurses from the Institute of Rural Medicine, 28 volunteers from the Volunteer Center of the Medical University, 20 soldiers from the 2nd Lublin Territorial Defense Brigade, 5 people from the Medical Education Center of the Medical University, who coordinated the course of the action on the spot and employees of the Simulation Center Medical were directly involved in. The campaign culminated in a ceremonial summary of this initiative, which took place on December 23, 2021 at the Lublin Voivodship Office, during which prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Załuska the Rector of the Medical University of Lublin received a commemorative coin of the National Bank of Poland from the Lublin Voivode, Lech Sprawka, for his sacrifice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Przystanek Szczepienie – 6th edition!
Dear Students, We would like to inform that you have another chance to get Covid-19 vaccination in Centre of Medical Simulation at Chodźki 4 in Lublin. The details are available at the poster :
Come to the Medical Simulation Center (4 Chodźki St.) on November 18 and 19 and get vaccinated against COVID-19!
A team of medics is waiting for you from 9 am to 4 pm.
Vaccination Campaign is addressed to students of all Lublin universities, university teachers and their families, residents of Lublin and foreigners staying in our city.
During the action, eligible persons will also be able to receive the THIRD dose of COVID-19 vaccine (or the second dose in case of previous vaccination with J&J preparation). Those eligible to receive the third dose are:
- individuals who are 50 years of age or older,
- Health care workers who have direct patient or laboratory contact with SARS-CoV-2 infectious material,
- students who have contact with the patient (a certificate confirming this fact should be obtained from the dean's office and presented at the vaccination center).
Those who participate will receive either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Johnson&Johnson product. All formalities, i.e. filling out the personal questionnaire and qualification for vaccination - will be carried out on site, in the Center for Medical Simulation.
Przystanek Szczepienie – 5th edition!
Dear Students, We would like to inform that you have another chance to get Covid-19 vaccination in Centre of Medical Simulation at Chodźki 4 in Lublin. The details are available at the poster :
Come to the Medical Simulation Center (4 Chodźki St.) on November 4 and 5 and get vaccinated against COVID-19!
A team of medics is waiting for you from 9 am to 4 pm.
Vaccination Campaign is addressed to students of all Lublin universities, university teachers and their families, residents of Lublin and foreigners staying in our city.
During the action, eligible persons will also be able to receive the THIRD dose of COVID-19 vaccine (or the second dose in case of previous vaccination with J&J preparation). Those eligible to receive the third dose are:
- individuals who are 50 years of age or older,
- Health care workers who have direct patient or laboratory contact with SARS-CoV-2 infectious material,
- students who have contact with the patient (a certificate confirming this fact should be obtained from the dean's office and presented at the vaccination center).
Those who participate will receive either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Johnson&Johnson product. All formalities, i.e. filling out the personal questionnaire and qualification for vaccination - will be carried out on site, in the Center for Medical Simulation.
Przystanek Szczepienie – 4th edition!
Dear Students, We would like to inform that you have another chance to get Covid-19 vaccination in Centre of Medical Simulation at Chodźki 4 in Lublin. The details are available at the poster :
Come to the Medical Simulation Center (4 Chodźki St.) on October 28 and 29 and get vaccinated against COVID-19!
A team of medics is waiting for you from 9 am to 4 pm.
Vaccination Campaign is addressed to students of all Lublin universities, university teachers and their families, residents of Lublin and foreigners staying in our city.
During the action, eligible persons will also be able to receive the THIRD dose of COVID-19 vaccine (or the second dose in case of previous vaccination with J&J preparation). Those eligible to receive the third dose are:
- individuals who are 50 years of age or older,
- Health care workers who have direct patient or laboratory contact with SARS-CoV-2 infectious material,
- students who have contact with the patient (a certificate confirming this fact should be obtained from the dean's office and presented at the vaccination center).
Those who participate will receive either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Johnson&Johnson product. All formalities, i.e. filling out the personal questionnaire and qualification for vaccination - will be carried out on site, in the Center for Medical Simulation.
Przystanek Szczepienie – 3rd edition!
Dear Students, We would like to inform that you have another chance to get Covid-19 vaccination in Centre of Medical Simulation at Chodźki 4 in Lublin. The details are available at the poster :
Come to the Medical Simulation Center (4 Chodźki St.) on October 21 and 22 and get vaccinated against COVID-19!
A team of medics is waiting for you from 9 am to 4 pm.
Vaccination Campaign is addressed to students of all Lublin universities, university teachers and their families, residents of Lublin and foreigners staying in our city.
During the action, eligible persons will also be able to receive the THIRD dose of COVID-19 vaccine (or the second dose in case of previous vaccination with J&J preparation). Those eligible to receive the third dose are:
- individuals who are 50 years of age or older,
- Health care workers who have direct patient or laboratory contact with SARS-CoV-2 infectious material,
- students who have contact with the patient (a certificate confirming this fact should be obtained from the dean's office and presented at the vaccination center).
Those who participate will receive either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Johnson&Johnson product. All formalities, i.e. filling out the personal questionnaire and qualification for vaccination - will be carried out on site, in the Center for Medical Simulation.
Przystanek Szczepienie – 3rd edition!
Dear Students, We would like to inform that you have another chance to get Covid-19 vaccination in Centre of Medical Simulation at Chodźki 4 in Lublin. The details are available at the poster :
Come to the Medical Simulation Center (4 Chodźki St.) on October 14 and 15 and get vaccinated against COVID-19!
A team of medics is waiting for you from 9 am to 4 pm.
Vaccination Campaign is addressed to students of all Lublin universities, university teachers and their families, residents of Lublin and foreigners staying in our city.
During the action, eligible persons will also be able to receive the THIRD dose of COVID-19 vaccine (or the second dose in case of previous vaccination with J&J preparation). Those eligible to receive the third dose are:
- individuals who are 50 years of age or older,
- Health care workers who have direct patient or laboratory contact with SARS-CoV-2 infectious material,
- students who have contact with the patient (a certificate confirming this fact should be obtained from the dean's office and presented at the vaccination center).
Those who participate will receive either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Johnson&Johnson product. All formalities, i.e. filling out the personal questionnaire and qualification for vaccination - will be carried out on site, in the Center for Medical Simulation.
Registration for vaccinations against COVID-19 for students/PhD students is now open
We kindly inform you that the possibility of registering for vaccinations against COVID-19 has been resumed for students/PhD students of our University, participating, in accordance with the study program, in classes involving the patients or during which contact with biological infectious material occurs (Journal of Laws 2021, 19 March item 512)
In order to apply to the vaccination program, you must complete the electronic registration form.
A scanned copy of a hand-signed declaration of consent to the processing of personal data must be attached to the form.
Students who have previously registered for vaccination, should not re-register through the University.
The order and course of vaccinations will be subject to further detailed regulations.
Due to the scale of the project and possible problems, we set up a contact e-mail address for you: and contact phone number: 697 620 039
Dear Students,
The Medical University of Lublin is resuming a vaccination campaign against COVID-19 for students who sent their application to the University by January 14, 2021, and have not received the 1st dose yet, therefore we would like to inform you that:
- vaccination resumes on 8 March 2021 (Monday); qualification is made by a doctor on the basis of a completed "questionnaire for the initial screening interview before vaccinating an adult against COVID-19" (attached in the email). A referral for vaccination will be issued immediately after qualification,
- in the case of people who have undergone COVID 19, vaccination may be performed 3 months from the date of receiving a positive result of Civid-19 test. Please report such cases to the contact telephone number indicated below;
- place, date and time of vaccination will be determined for each person separately and successively sent to university e-mail addresses in the domain by Saturday March 6, 2021,
- the designated date of vaccination is an excuse for the absence from classes, which should be made up in the form determined by the academic teacher.
Due to the scale of the project and possible problems, we set up a contact phone for you: 697 620 039
All information will be made available on the website
Important information about the 2nd dose of Sars-Cov2 Vaccination
Dear Students,
Please be advised that second dose vaccinations against covid-19 will take place on Wednesday March 3 and Thursday March 4, 2021 in Children’s Hospital. Please kindly check your student email for the detailed information regarding the date and time of your appointment.
If you have received first dose already and haven’t got an e-mail regarding second dose please contact us at: 697 620 039 Please note that first-dose vaccination appointments for students are still not available due to low vaccine supply.
We understand that this is disappointing for those who are waiting to receive their vaccination. However, we have to wait for vaccine supplies to be restored.
We will keep you informed about any updates and the date of resuming the vaccination process.
We regret to inform you that due to the interruptions in the supply of the COVID-19 vaccine and the decision of the Material Reserves Agency, the second dose vaccinations are temporarily suspended between February 22 and February 26, 2021.
First-dose vaccination appointments for students are still not available due to low vaccine supply.
We understand that this is disappointing for those who are waiting to receive their vaccination. However, we have to wait for vaccine supplies to be restored.
We will keep you informed about any updates and the date of resuming the vaccination process.
Rescheduling of second dose of vaccine appointments!
We regret to inform you that due to the interruptions in the supply of the COVID-19 vaccine, the second dose of vaccinations initially planned for the period from 16th to 19th of February, 2021 has been rescheduled for the period from 23rd to 26th of February, 2021.
Therefore all the students scheduled to take the second dose of vaccination between 16th and 19th of February should come to the vaccination site at University Children's Hospital, Gębali 6 Street on the following new dates:
- students whose vaccination was initially planned for Feb. 16th should come on Feb. 23rd – if your time was originally set between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. you are asked to come to the vaccination between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Other students should come at the time indicated by the physician during the first vaccination
- students whose vaccination was initially planned for Feb. 17th should come on Feb. 24th – at the time indicated by the physician during the first vaccination
- students whose vaccination was initially planned for Feb. 18th should come on Feb. 25th – at the time indicated by the physician during the first vaccination
- students whose vaccination was initially planned for Feb. 19th should come on Feb. 26th – at the time indicated by the physician during the first vaccination
We regret to inform you that due to the interruptions in the supply of the COVID-19 vaccine and the decision of the Material Reserves Agency, first dose vaccinations are temporarily suspended between February 1 and February 7, 2021.
We will keep you informed about any updates and the date of resuming the vaccination process.
Dear Students
The Medical University of Lublin is launching a vaccination campaign against COVID-19 for students who sent their application to the University by January 12, 2021, therefore we would like to inform you that:
- vaccination starts on 25 January 2021 (Monday); qualification is made by a doctor on the basis of a completed "questionnaire for the initial screening interview before vaccinating an adult against COVID-19" (attached). A referral for vaccination will be issued immediately after qualification,
- in the case of people who have undergone COVID 19, vaccination may be performed 90 days after being recognized as a convalescent. Please report such cases to the contact telephone number indicated below,
- place, date and time of vaccination will be determined for each person separately and successively sent to university e-mail addresses in the @ domain and through the Student Portal,
- the designated date of vaccination is an excuse for the absence from classes, which should be made up in the form determined by the academic teacher.
Due to the scale of the project and possible problems, we set up a contact phone for you: 697 620 039
All information will be made available via e-mail and on the website
Package leaflet: Information for the user: Open
Questionnaire for the initial screening interview before vaccinating an adult against COVID-19: Open
Declaration of consent for the processing of personal data: Open
Student details for Covid-19 vaccinations: Download